Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Went for a 20 mile bike ride Sunday from Hopkins, MN
to Lake Minnetonka. I am in Thunder Bay, Ontario for the next day or
so doing some hiking and enjoying the cool weather. On Thursday
the 27th I will go to opening day at the Minnesota State Fair, then
head home Saturday the 29th. Of course it will take me 4 or 5 days
since there's a beer festival in Iowa Saturday (29th)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The long road gome

Left Butler, PA Wednesday Aug 19th for the long trip back to Tucson.
I am stopping in Minneapolis for a few days enroute. Heading up to
Thunder Bay, Ontario on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Aug 24-26)
and then the Minnesota State Fair on Thursday (27th). There's a beer
fes.tival in Iowa (29th) I want to check out on the way home from

Friday, August 7, 2009

I have spent the last two days - Thursday and Friday on the 600+ mile long yard sale. It's been hot and muggy but I have had lots of fun. Picked up some clothing for a few of the grandchildren and myself, looked through LP's and 45's looking for some rare oldies (didn't find any), everyone has paperbacks - too many to look through (sorry Judy) but it's all about having fun - I pretty much stopped for the day by 4PM - enough is enough. Friday night I am staying in Lexington, Kentucky, Saturday in Central Ohio after spending half of the day doing my last few miles on the yard sale route, and Sunday afternoon 'home' to Butler, PA.

This horse is on a treadmill making ice cream for some Amish vendors

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Halfway across Tennessee today - weather
still warm; staying in Franklin tonight, 15 minutes
south of Nashville. First rain of the trip-but not
until 9PM. Going for hike tomorrow - just a few
miles. Then off for Cookeville - just a couple of hours from

Monday, August 3, 2009

Traveled through Northern Oklahoma and Northern Arkansas
today - the Ozarks of Arkansas are beautiful. 96 degrees when I
stopped for the night in Mountain Home, Arkansas around 5 PM.
My GPS today took me on some unusual shortcuts, as shown below.
I have the setting on shortest, not fastest route and some of the dirt
roads were a challenge to the amount of clearance I had on my
Honda Civic. On to Tennessee tomorrow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Late start and lost another hour changing over to Central time - today was longest day - in miles - 600 miles - but I am in Blackwell, OK - about 100 miles north of Oklahoma City. Nothing exciting - and no pictures. Tomorrow on to the Ozarks of Arkansas - beautiful country and about half as far in miles and driving.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1

Left Tucson early - 5:45. Stopped at the
Flea Market just north of Deming, NM and
then I went through Hillsboro, New Mexico
where they used to have the Apple Festival
every Labor Day weekend.
Open range so have to watch out for the cattle.

On to the Owl Cafe in San Antonio, New Mexico for their famous Green Chile Cheeseburger and reached Albuquerque around 3:00 PM. Stopped at the Tractor Brewery for a couple of 3 ounce samples of beer (that's about all I can handle when I am driving), and dinner at a great NEW Mexican restaurant. Off tomorrow bright and early for north central Oklahoma. The tractor brewing's website is appropriate: getplowed.com